Gum Disease and Your Overall Health

Gum disease is the number one cause for adult tooth loss; in fact, over 75 million Americans over the age of 35 suffer from gum disease. What is even more alarming is that gum disease is more common than heart disease, stroke, cancer and Alzheimer’s combined and has been proven to increase the risk for developing many other diseases.

Heart Disease can be increased by 150%

Chances of stroke can increase by 300%

The risk of having a premature birth or delivering a low birth weight baby can be increased by 700%

The increased risk of respiratory infection can be increased by 500%

Call Barotz Dental today and ask us about our LANAP procedure that will cure you from gum disease! 303.595.4994

About BarotzDental

Dr. Charles S. Barotz is a 1980 graduate of Georgetown University School of Dentistry and has dedicated his life to provide you with the best that dentistry has to offer. Dr. Barotz is continually educating himself and his staff with the newest dental techniques and approaches, in order to provide you with advanced, state of the art, comfortable, personalized, and antiseptic dental care. Dr. Barotz has been published and lectures internationally on numerous subjects relating to excellence in dentistry.
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